How Much Does Roblox Make A Second

how much does roblox make a second

Roblox Earnings: A Detailed Analysis

Revenue Streams

Roblox generates revenue through various streams:

Virtual Currency

Users purchase Robux, the in-game currency, to acquire virtual items and upgrades.


Roblox Premium offers monthly subscriptions with perks like exclusive items and currency bonuses.


The platform displays advertisements within the game, generating revenue based on impressions and clicks.

Developer Revenue Sharing

Roblox shares a portion of its earnings with game developers based on their games’ popularity.

Financial Performance

In 2022, Roblox reported:


$2.9 billion, a 56% increase from 2021.


$3.3 billion, representing the value of future revenue streams.

Daily Active Users (DAUs)

An average of 56.7 million DAU, a 25% increase from 2021.

Earnings Per Second

To calculate Roblox’s earnings per second, we can use the following formula:

Earnings per second = Daily Revenue / 86400 (seconds per day)

Based on 2022 revenue data, Roblox’s estimated daily revenue is $7.95 million.

Therefore, its earnings per second are approximately:

$7.95 million / 86400 = $92


Roblox has experienced significant financial growth, generating substantial revenue through its diverse revenue streams. The platform’s high user engagement and monetization strategies have contributed to its continued success.


1. How much revenue does Roblox make per day?

Approximately $7.95 million.

2. What is Roblox’s largest revenue stream?

Virtual currency sales.

3. How many DAUs does Roblox have?

An average of 56.7 million.

4. What percentage of Roblox’s revenue is shared with developers?


5. Is Roblox a profitable company?

Yes, Roblox has been profitable since 2020.

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