How To Escape In Prison Life Roblox

how to escape in prison life roblox

How to Escape in Prison Life Roblox


Prison Life Roblox is a popular multiplayer game that simulates life in a prison. Players can take on the role of a prisoner or a guard. Prisoners must try to escape from prison, while guards must try to prevent them.

Getting Started

To start playing Prison Life Roblox, you need to create an account. Once you have created an account, you can join a server and choose a role.

Tips for Prisoners

There are a few things that you can do to increase your chances of escaping from prison. First, you need to find a way to get out of your cell. You can do this by picking the lock, using a key, or finding a way to break the bars.

Once you have gotten out of your cell, you need to find a way to get out of the prison. You can do this by finding a hole in the fence, climbing over the wall, or tunneling under the ground.

Tips for Guards

As a guard, your goal is to prevent the prisoners from escaping. You can do this by patrolling the prison, searching the prisoners, and locking them in their cells.

If you see a prisoner trying to escape, you can chase them down and apprehend them. You can also use your weapon to shoot the prisoner.

Rewards for Escaping

If you are able to escape from prison, you will be rewarded with money and experience points. You can use the money to buy new items and the experience points to level up your character.


Prison Life Roblox is a challenging and rewarding game. If you are looking for a game that will test your skills and patience, then I highly recommend playing Prison Life Roblox.


  1. What is the best way to escape from prison?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best way to escape from prison will vary depending on the prison you are in and the resources you have available. However, some general tips include finding a way to get out of your cell, finding a way to get out of the prison, and avoiding the guards.

  1. What are the consequences of getting caught trying to escape from prison?

If you are caught trying to escape from prison, you will be punished. The punishment will vary depending on the prison you are in and the severity of your escape attempt. However, some common punishments include solitary confinement, loss of privileges, and additional time added to your sentence.

  1. Can you escape from prison with a friend?

Yes, you can escape from prison with a friend. However, it is important to note that escaping from prison is a serious crime. If you and your friend are caught trying to escape, you will both be punished.

  1. What is the most difficult prison to escape from in Prison Life Roblox?

The most difficult prison to escape from in Prison Life Roblox is the maximum security prison. The maximum security prison is heavily guarded and has multiple layers of security. However, it is possible to escape from the maximum security prison if you are careful and resourceful.

  1. What are some tips for escaping from prison in Prison Life Roblox?

Some tips for escaping from prison in Prison Life Roblox include:

  • Find a way to get out of your cell.
  • Find a way to get out of the prison.
  • Avoid the guards.
  • Use the resources you have available.
  • Be patient and don’t give up.

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