How To Get Humanoid In Roblox Studio

how to get humanoid in roblox studio

How to Get Humanoid in Roblox Studio

Getting a humanoid in Roblox Studio is essential for creating realistic and interactive characters. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Creating a New Character

  1. Launch Roblox Studio and start a new project.
  2. Click on the “Insert” tab in the ribbon.
  3. Select “Model” and then “HumanoidRootPart”.

Setting Up the Humanoid

  1. Select the HumanoidRootPart and click on the “Properties” tab in the ribbon.
  2. In the “Properties” tab, scroll down to the “Humanoid” section.
  3. Click on the “Configure” button.

Body Parts

  1. In the “Body Parts” section, you’ll see a list of the default body parts for a Roblox avatar.
  2. Click on each body part to select it and then click on the “Edit” button to customize its properties.
  3. You can adjust the size, position, and rotation of each body part.


  1. In the “Animations” section, you can add and customize animations for your humanoid.
  2. Click on the “Add Animation” button to select an animation from the Roblox library.
  3. You can also create your own animations using the Animation Editor.


  1. In the “Joints” section, you can view and edit the joints that connect the different body parts.
  2. Click on a joint to select it and then click on the “Edit” button to adjust its properties.
  3. You can adjust the rotation limits and other parameters of each joint.


  1. In the “Constraints” section, you can add and edit constraints to the humanoid.
  2. Constraints limit the movement of the humanoid’s body parts.
  3. You can add various types of constraints, such as HingeConstraints, BallSocketConstraints, and WeldConstraints.


  1. In the “Scripts” section, you can add scripts to control the humanoid’s behavior.
  2. You can use the Lua scripting language to write scripts that handle movement, animations, and other interactions.
  3. You can also use the Roblox API to access the humanoid’s properties and methods.

Testing and Debugging

  1. Once you’re done setting up the humanoid, you can test it out by clicking on the “Play” button.
  2. Observe the humanoid’s movement and animations.
  3. If you encounter any issues, use the debugger to identify and fix any errors in your code.

Tips for Creating Realistic Humanoids

  • Use a variety of body parts and animations to create unique and believable characters.
  • Adjust the joints and constraints to create natural-looking movement.
  • Use scripts to add custom behavior and interactions.
  • Test and debug your humanoids thoroughly to ensure they work as intended.


By following these steps, you can create a custom humanoid in Roblox Studio that meets your specific requirements. Remember to experiment with different options and explore the features of the Roblox Studio to bring your creations to life.


  1. How do I attach a humanoid to a custom mesh?
    You can use the AttachTo Attachment to attach a humanoid to a custom mesh.
  2. How do I control the humanoid’s movement using scripts?
    You can use the Humanoid:MoveDirection() method to control the humanoid’s movement.
  3. How do I create custom animations for my humanoid?
    You can use the Animation Editor to create custom animations for your humanoid.
  4. How do I add collision detection to my humanoid?
    You can add a CollisionShape to the humanoid’s body parts to enable collision detection.
  5. How do I optimize the performance of my humanoid?
    You can use LODs (Levels of Detail) and other performance optimization techniques to improve the performance of your humanoid.

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