How To Approve Group Request On Roblox

How To Approve Group Request On Roblox

How to Approve Group Request on Roblox

1. Open the Roblox Website

  • Go to the Roblox website ( and log in to your account.

2. Click on the Groups Tab

  • In the navigation bar at the top of the page, click on the “Groups” tab.

3. Find the Pending Request

  • On the left sidebar, click on “Manage” under the “My Groups” section.
  • This will open a list of groups that you own or manage.
  • Find the group that has pending requests and click on its name.

4. Review the Request

  • This will open the group management page.
  • Click on the “Requests” tab.
  • You will see a list of pending requests to join the group.
  • Review each request carefully and decide whether to approve or deny them.

5. Approve the Request

  • To approve a request, click on the “Approve” button next to the username.
  • This will send the user an invitation to join the group.

6. Deny the Request

  • To deny a request, click on the “Deny” button next to the username.
  • This will send the user a message that their request has been denied.

7. Manage Group Settings

  • You can also manage the group’s settings from this page.
  • Click on the “Settings” tab to edit the group’s name, description, and other options.

8. Invite Friends to the Group

  • To invite friends to the group, click on the “Invite Friends” button.
  • Enter the usernames of the friends you want to invite.

9. Leave the Group

  • If you are a member of a group and want to leave, click on the “Leave Group” button.
  • This will remove you from the group.

10. Delete the Group

  • If you are the owner of a group and want to delete it, click on the “Delete Group” button.
  • This will permanently remove the group from Roblox.


Approving group requests on Roblox is a simple and straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily manage your groups and add new members.


1. Can I approve group requests on the Roblox mobile app?
Yes, you can approve group requests on both the website and the mobile app.

2. What happens if I approve a group request?
When you approve a group request, the user will receive an invitation to join the group. They can then accept or decline the invitation.

3. What happens if I deny a group request?
When you deny a group request, the user will receive a message that their request has been denied.

4. Can I change my mind after approving a group request?
Yes, you can remove a member from the group after approving their request.

5. Can I edit the group’s settings after approving requests?
Yes, you can edit the group’s settings at any time, even after approving requests.

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