How To Do Orange Justice In Roblox

How To Do Orange Justice In Roblox

How to Do Orange Justice in Roblox

1. Introduction
Orange Justice is a popular dance emote in Roblox, known for its energetic and silly dance moves. This guide will provide a step-by-step breakdown of how to perform Orange Justice.

2. Enable Emotes
To access emotes, you must first enable them in your game settings. Go to the “Settings” tab in the main menu and select “Emotes.” Make sure the “Enable Emotes” option is toggled on.

3. Find the Orange Justice Emote
Open the Emote Wheel by pressing the “E” key. Scroll through the list of emotes until you find Orange Justice, which has an orange icon with a dancing figure.

4. Activate the Emote
Click on the Orange Justice icon to activate the emote. Your character will start performing the dance.

5. The Dance Moves
Orange Justice consists of four main dance moves:

  • Step 1: Raise your right arm above your head and bend your left arm at the elbow, with your hand on your waist.
  • Step 2: Cross your right leg over your left leg and swing your arms back and forth in a “jazz hands” motion.
  • Step 3: Jump into the air and twist your body to the right while extending your left arm and bending your right arm at the elbow.
  • Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 on the left side, reversing the arm and leg movements.

6. Timing and Rhythm
The key to performing Orange Justice accurately is to follow the rhythm of the music. The dance should flow smoothly from one move to the next. Practice and repetition will help you get the timing right.

7. Variations
There are many variations of Orange Justice in Roblox. Some users add their own creative spins, such as changing the arm or leg movements or adding special effects. Feel free to experiment and create your own unique version.

8. Video Tutorial
For a visual demonstration, watch the following video tutorial: [Insert Video Link]

9. Tips and Tricks

  • Practice regularly to improve your coordination and timing.
  • If you’re having trouble with a particular move, break it down into smaller steps.
  • Use the game’s “dance mode” to focus on your dance skills without distractions.
  • Share your orange Justice moves with friends and other players.

10. Conclusion
Performing Orange Justice in Roblox is a fun and expressive way to showcase your dance skills. By following the steps in this guide and practicing regularly, you can master this iconic emote and impress your fellow players.


1. Can I use Orange Justice in other games besides Roblox?
No, Orange Justice is a copyrighted emote exclusive to Roblox.

2. How do I create my own variations of Orange Justice?
Experiment with different arm and leg movements, add special effects, or change the rhythm of the dance to create your own unique version.

3. Is there a limit to how often I can perform Orange Justice?
No, you can perform Orange Justice as many times as you like.

4. Why does my character sometimes perform Orange Justice differently than other players?
Roblox allows users to customize their emotes, so different players may have slightly different versions of Orange Justice.

5. Can I use Orange Justice in competitive Roblox events?
Yes, but some events may have specific rules or restrictions regarding the use of emotes.

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