How To Play Forgotten Memories On Roblox

How To Play Forgotten Memories On Roblox

**How to Play Forgotten Memories on Roblox**

**Getting Started**

1. Open Roblox and search for Forgotten Memories.

2. Click the green “Play” button.



– **W, A, S, D** to move

– **Left mouse button** to interact

**Haunted Mode**

– **Spacebar** to enter/exit Haunted Mode

– **F** to release a special soul



1. Follow the path and collect orbs to gain energy.

2. Avoid obstacles and enemies.

3. Complete puzzles and find keys to unlock doors.

**Haunted Mode**

1. Enter Haunted Mode by pressing spacebar.

2. In Haunted Mode, you can see ghosts and use special abilities.

3. Release a special soul by pressing F to remove obstacles or defeat enemies.


– Use Haunted Mode wisely to overcome challenges.

– Collect as many orbs as possible to stay energized.

– Don’t be afraid to explore and find hidden secrets.


**1. How do I get more orbs?**

Collect orbs by walking over them.

**2. How do I unlock new abilities?**

Unlock new abilities by completing levels and earning stars.

**3. What happens if I run out of energy?**

If you run out of energy, you will be teleported back to the last checkpoint.

**4. How do I defeat ghosts?**

Defeat ghosts by releasing a special soul in Haunted Mode or using other abilities.

**5. How do I complete the game?**

Complete all levels and find the final exit to complete the game.


Forgotten Memories on Roblox is a challenging and immersive horror game that offers a unique and thrilling experience. By mastering the controls and following the tips provided above, you can successfully navigate through the haunted world and uncover its secrets.

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