How To Add Friends On Roblox Iphone

How To Add Friends On Roblox Iphone

How to Add Friends on Roblox iPhone

1. Open the Roblox App

  • Tap on the Roblox icon on your iPhone’s home screen or App Library.

2. Navigate to the Friends Tab

  • At the bottom of the screen, tap on the “Friends” tab.

3. Search for Friends

  • In the search bar at the top of the screen, enter the username of the friend you want to add.

4. Select the Correct User

  • Roblox will display a list of matching usernames. Tap on the correct username for your friend.

5. Send Friend Request

  • Tap on the “Add Friend” button.

6. Confirm Friend Request

  • Roblox will ask you to confirm that you want to send a friend request. Tap on the “Yes” button.

7. Wait for Acceptance

  • Your friend will receive the friend request and must accept it to become your Roblox friend.

8. Accept Friend Request (If Needed)

  • If you receive a friend request, tap on the “Notifications” tab at the bottom of the screen. Tap on the “Friend Requests” section and accept the request by tapping on the “Accept” button.

9. Find Your Friends

  • Once your friend accepts the friend request, you can find them on the “Friends” tab. You can tap on their username to open their profile.

10. Chat with Friends

  • You can chat with your friends by sending them messages. Tap on the “Chat” button on their profile to open the chat window.


Adding friends on Roblox iPhone is a simple and straightforward process. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily connect with your friends and enjoy playing Roblox together.


  • How do I find my friend’s Roblox username if I don’t know it?

    • You can ask your friend to share their Roblox username with you. Alternatively, you can search for your friend using their real name or email address (if they have connected it to their Roblox account).
  • Can I add someone to my friend list if they are already my friend?

    • No, you cannot add someone to your friend list if they are already your friend.
  • How many friends can I have on Roblox?

    • You can have a maximum of 200 friends on Roblox.
  • Can I remove a friend from my friend list?

    • Yes, you can remove a friend from your friend list by tapping on the “Friends” tab, selecting their username, and tapping on the “Remove Friend” button.
  • How do I report someone for inappropriate behavior?

    • If you encounter someone who is engaging in inappropriate behavior, you can report them to Roblox by tapping on the “Report Abuse” button on their profile.

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