How To Change My Birthday In Roblox

how to change my birthday in roblox

**How to Change Your Birthday in Roblox**

**1. Log in to Your Roblox Account**

Navigate to the Roblox website and enter your username and password.

**2. Click on the Gear Icon**

In the top right corner of the screen, click on the gear icon.

**3. Select “Settings”**

From the drop-down menu, choose “Settings.”

**4. Navigate to the “Personal Info” Tab**

On the left sidebar of the Settings page, click on the “Personal Info” tab.

**5. Enter Your New Birthday**

In the “Birthday” field, enter your new date of birth in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.

**6. Click on “Save Changes”**

Once you have entered your new birthday, click on the “Save Changes” button to confirm the update.

**7. Verify Your Change**

To ensure that your birthday has been changed successfully, click on the “View Profile” link at the top of the page. Your new birthday should be displayed in the “About” section.

**8. Additional Notes**

  • You can only change your birthday once.
  • If you are under the age of 13, you will need to provide parental consent before changing your birthday.


Changing your birthday in Roblox is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Remember to follow the instructions carefully and to verify your change afterwards.


**1. Can I change my birthday if I am under 13?**

Yes, but you will need to provide parental consent by submitting the Roblox Parental Consent Form.

**2. Why can I only change my birthday once?**

To prevent fraud and protect the integrity of the platform, Roblox limits birthday changes to one per account.

**3. What happens if I enter an incorrect birthday?**

If you enter an incorrect birthday, Roblox will not allow you to save the changes. Double-check the date and try again.

**4. How long does it take for my new birthday to be updated?**

Your new birthday should be updated immediately after clicking the “Save Changes” button.

**5. Can I change my birthday back to my original one?**

No, you cannot change your birthday back to your original one once it has been changed.

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