How To Get Really Tall In Roblox

how to get really tall in roblox

**How to Get Really Tall in Roblox**

**1. Use the “Scale” Tool**

The “Scale” tool allows you to increase or decrease the size of your avatar. To access the scale tool, go to the “Edit” menu and select “Avatar.” Then, click on the “Scale” tab and adjust the sliders to make your avatar taller.

**2. Equip Tall Clothing and Accessories**

Certain clothing and accessories in Roblox can make your avatar appear taller. For example, you can wear high heels, a tall hat, or a long flowing dress. You can also equip accessories such as wings or a halo that make your avatar appear taller.

**3. Use Emotes and Animations**

Some emotes and animations in Roblox can make your avatar appear taller. For example, you can use the “Stretch” emote to make your avatar taller for a short period of time. You can also use the “Jump” animation to make your avatar jump up and appear taller.

**4. Build a Tall House**

If you want your avatar to appear taller, you can build a tall house. This will make your avatar appear taller in comparison to the house. You can use the “Build” tools in Roblox to build a tall house.

**5. Use a Camera Angle**

The camera angle you use can also make your avatar appear taller. If you use a high camera angle, your avatar will appear taller than if you use a low camera angle. You can adjust the camera angle by pressing the “Camera” button in the top right corner of the screen.

**6. Use a “Stretch” Script**

There are some scripts that you can use to make your avatar taller. These scripts are not always allowed in Roblox, so you should use them at your own risk. You can find “Stretch” scripts by searching for them in the Roblox library.

**7. Use a “Tall” Avatar**

If you want to have a permanently tall avatar, you can create a new avatar that is taller than your current avatar. When you create a new avatar, you can adjust the height of your avatar using the “Scale” tool.

**8. Use a “Giant” Potion**

In some Roblox games, there are items called “Giant” potions that can make your avatar taller. These potions are usually rare, so you may have to search for them.

**9. Use a “Growth” Spell**

In some Roblox games, there are spells that can make your avatar taller. These spells are usually found in RPG games. You may have to level up your character to unlock these spells.

**10. Be Patient**

If you want to get really tall in Roblox, you will need to be patient. It takes time to build up your avatar’s height. Just keep playing the game and using the tips in this article, and you will eventually reach your goal.


Getting really tall in Roblox is possible, but it takes time and effort. By using the tips in this article, you can make your avatar taller and stand out from the crowd.


**1. Is it possible to get taller than the limit in Roblox?**

Yes, it is possible to get taller than the limit in Roblox by using scripts or exploits. However, this is not recommended as it can get your account banned.

**2. What is the tallest you can get in Roblox?**

The tallest you can get in Roblox is 100 studs tall. This is the maximum height that the “Scale” tool allows you to set.

**3. Are there any disadvantages to being tall in Roblox?**

Yes, there are some disadvantages to being tall in Roblox. For example, you may be more likely to get stuck in small spaces and you may have difficulty reaching objects that are low to the ground.

**4. Can I make my avatar taller in all Roblox games?**

No, you cannot make your avatar taller in all Roblox games. Some games have height limits that prevent you from making your avatar taller than a certain height.

**5. What is the best way to get really tall in Roblox?**

The best way to get really tall in Roblox is to use a combination of the tips in this article. This includes using the “Scale” tool, equipping tall clothing and accessories, and using emotes and animations that make your avatar appear taller.

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