How To Name Your Game On Roblox

how to name your game on roblox

**How to Name Your Game on Roblox**

**1. Brainstorm Ideas**

Start by brainstorming a list of potential names that fit the theme and genre of your game. Consider the following:

  • Descriptors of your game’s gameplay
  • Keywords that players might search for
  • Catchy and memorable phrases

**2. Check Availability**

Once you have a few ideas, check if they are available on Roblox. Go to the Roblox Game Creation Page and enter your potential name in the search bar. If the name is taken, you will need to come up with another one.

**3. Be Creative**

Don’t limit yourself to common or generic names. Experiment with unique and creative ideas. Consider using puns, metaphors, or references to pop culture.

**4. Keep it Short and Sweet**

Try to keep your game’s name within 20 characters. This will make it easier for players to remember and it will fit better in the Roblox game list.

**5. Avoid Inappropriate Language**

Make sure your game’s name is appropriate for all audiences. Roblox has strict rules against using profanity, offensive language, or hate speech.

**6. Consider Your Target Audience**

Think about the type of players who you want to attract to your game. Choose a name that appeals to this specific audience.

**7. Get Feedback**

Ask friends, family, or other players for feedback on your potential game names. Get their opinions on which one is the most memorable, appropriate, and catchy.

**8. Use a Name Generator**

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, try using a Roblox game name generator. These tools can provide you with creative suggestions based on your game’s genre or theme.

**9. Consider Using a Placeholder Name**

If you’re not sure what to name your game right away, you can use a placeholder name until you have a better idea.

**10. Update Your Game’s Name Later**

Once you have published your game, you can still change the name later if you decide you don’t like the original one. Just go to the Roblox Game Management Page and click on the “Edit” button next to the “Name” field.


Choosing the right name for your Roblox game is an important step in getting it noticed and attracting players. By following these tips, you can create a name that is memorable, appropriate, and effective.


1. Can I change my game’s name after it has been published?

Yes, you can change your game’s name later by going to the Roblox Game Management Page.

2. What if my game’s name is taken?

If your game’s name is taken, you will need to come up with another one. You can check availability by entering your potential name in the search bar on the Roblox Game Creation Page.

3. How long can my game’s name be?

Your game’s name can be up to 20 characters long.

4. Can I use spaces in my game’s name?

Yes, you can use spaces in your game’s name.

5. Can I use special characters in my game’s name?

No, you cannot use special characters in your game’s name.

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