How To Report A Hacked Roblox Account

how to report a hacked roblox account

How to Report a Hacked Roblox Account

1. Contact Roblox Support

  • Visit the Roblox Support website:
  • Click on the “Contact Us” button
  • Select the “Account Security” category
  • Fill out the form and submit your request

2. Provide Evidence of the Hack

  • In your request, include any evidence you have that your account was hacked, such as:
    • Screenshots of suspicious activity
    • Emails or messages from the hacker
    • IP addresses or other identifying information

3. Change Your Password

  • Once you have submitted your report, change your Roblox password immediately.
  • Use a strong password that is not easy to guess.

4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your account. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to enter a code from your phone or email when you log in.

5. Contact Your Email Provider

  • If the hacker has changed your email address associated with your Roblox account, contact your email provider and report the hack.

6. Monitor Your Account for Suspicious Activity

  • Keep an eye on your Roblox account for any suspicious activity, such as unauthorized purchases or cambios en los datos de tu cuenta.

7. Report the Hacker to Law Enforcement

  • If you believe the hack was a crime, report it to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

8. Change Your Personal Information

  • If your personal information, such as your name or address, was compromised, consider changing it.

9. Be Patient

  • It may take some time for Roblox Support to investigate your report and resolve the issue.

10. Learn from the Experience

  • Use this experience as a learning opportunity to improve your account security. Consider using stronger passwords, enabling 2FA, and being more cautious about what information you share online.


Reporting a hacked Roblox account can be a stressful experience, but it is important to take the necessary steps to protect your account and personal information. By following the steps outlined above, you can help Roblox Support investigate the hack and restore your account to you.


  1. What should I do if I’ve lost access to my email associated with my Roblox account?

    • Contact Roblox Support and provide them with your username and any other information you can. They may be able to help you recover your account.
  2. How can I prevent my Roblox account from being hacked in the future?

    • Use strong passwords, enable 2FA, and be cautious about what information you share online.
  3. What if the hacker has made unauthorized purchases on my account?

    • Report the unauthorized purchases to Roblox Support and your payment provider immediately.
  4. Can I sue the hacker who hacked my Roblox account?

    • Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to pursue legal action against the hacker. Consult with an attorney for more information.
  5. Is there anything else I can do to protect my Roblox account?

    • Use a unique password for your Roblox account that you don’t use for any other accounts. Be careful about clicking on links in emails or messages from unknown senders.

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