July 27, 2024

How Do You Send Messages In Roblox

how do you send messages in roblox

How to Send Messages in Roblox

1. Open the Chat Window

To send a message in Roblox, you first need to open the chat window. You can do this by pressing the Enter key or clicking on the chat icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.

2. Type Your Message

Once the chat window is open, you can start typing your message. You can use the text box at the bottom of the window to type your message.

3. Send Your Message

Once you have finished typing your message, you can send it by pressing the Enter key or clicking on the send button. Your message will then be sent to everyone in the chat room.

4. Use Emojis

You can use emojis in your messages to add some personality and fun. To use an emoji, simply type : followed by the name of the emoji. For example, to use the smiley face emoji, you would type :smile.

5. Use Commands

You can also use commands in your messages to perform certain actions. For example, you can use the /me command to make your character perform an action. To use a command, simply type / followed by the command name. For example, to make your character wave, you would type /wave.

6. Private Messaging

You can also send private messages to other players. To send a private message, simply type /msg followed by the player’s username. For example, to send a private message to the player “JohnDoe”, you would type /msg JohnDoe.

7. Group Messaging

You can also send messages to groups of players. To send a group message, simply type /g followed by the group name. For example, to send a message to the group “MyGroup”, you would type /g MyGroup.

8. Chat Filters

Roblox has a number of chat filters in place to help protect players from inappropriate content. These filters will automatically remove any messages that contain profanity or other offensive language.

9. Reporting Players

If you see someone sending inappropriate messages, you can report them to Roblox. To report a player, simply click on their username and select the “Report” option.

10. Staying Safe

It is important to stay safe when chatting in Roblox. Never share your personal information with anyone you do not know. If you see someone asking for your personal information, report them to Roblox.


Sending messages in Roblox is a great way to communicate with other players. By following the tips in this article, you can easily send messages, use emojis, and even send private messages. Just remember to stay safe and never share your personal information with anyone you do not know.


  • How do I change my chat settings?

You can change your chat settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the chat window.

  • How do I block someone from sending me messages?

You can block someone from sending you messages by clicking on their username and selecting the “Block” option.

  • How do I report someone for sending inappropriate messages?

You can report someone for sending inappropriate messages by clicking on their username and selecting the “Report” option.

  • How do I turn off the chat filter?

You can turn off the chat filter by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the chat window and unchecking the “Enable Chat Filter” option.

  • How do I use voice chat in Roblox?

Voice chat is not currently available in Roblox.

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