July 27, 2024

How To Animate Meshes In Roblox Studio

how to animate meshes in roblox studio

How to Animate Meshes in Roblox Studio

1. Introduction

2. Preparing the Mesh

  • Importing the Mesh
  • Creating a MeshPart

3. Creating Animations

  • Creating an Animation Controller
  • Creating a Timeline
  • Adding Keyframes

4. Modifying Animations

  • Editing Keyframes
  • Adding and Removing Frames

5. Animating Properties

  • Transform Properties
    • Position
    • Rotation
    • Scale
  • Material Properties
    • Color
    • Transparency

6. Previewing Animations

  • Using the Animation Editor
  • Testing in-game

7. Saving and Publishing Animations

  • Saving Animations
  • Publishing Animations

8. Advanced Techniques

  • Using Animation Layers
  • Blending Animations

9. Troubleshooting

  • Common Errors
  • Tips for Troubleshooting


Animating meshes in Roblox Studio allows you to create dynamic and engaging experiences. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can add life to your models and bring your creations to the next level.


  1. Can I animate multiple meshes simultaneously?

    • Yes, you can create animations for multiple meshes in the same timeline.
  2. How can I control the speed of the animation?

    • You can adjust the playback speed in the Animation Editor or by modifying the animation’s properties.
  3. Can I use custom scripts to animate meshes?

    • Yes, you can write custom Lua scripts to control animations programmatically.
  4. Where can I find additional help and resources for animation?

  5. How do I fix animations that are not playing correctly?

    • Check the animation’s settings, keyframes, and connections to the mesh. If the issue persists, consider troubleshooting using the methods outlined in the “Troubleshooting” section.

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