July 27, 2024

How To Dance In Evade Roblox Mobile

how to dance in evade roblox mobile

How to Dance in Evade Roblox Mobile

1. Introduction

Evade Roblox Mobile is a fast-paced, multiplayer game that requires players to dance their way to victory. Dancing is an essential part of the game, as it allows players to dodge obstacles, collect power-ups, and score points.

2. Basic Dance Moves

There are four basic dance moves in Evade Roblox Mobile:

  • Slide: Swipe left or right on the screen to slide in that direction.
  • Jump: Tap the screen to jump.
  • Spin: Double-tap the screen to spin.
  • Roll: Swipe up on the screen to roll.

3. Advanced Dance Moves

Once you have mastered the basic dance moves, you can start learning some advanced dance moves. These moves can help you to avoid obstacles more effectively and collect power-ups more easily.

  • Double Jump: Tap the screen twice quickly to perform a double jump.
  • Roll Jump: Swipe up on the screen and then immediately tap the screen to perform a roll jump.
  • Spin Jump: Double-tap the screen and then immediately tap the screen again to perform a spin jump.

4. Combos

Combos are a series of dance moves that are performed in sequence. Combos can be used to avoid obstacles more effectively and collect power-ups more easily.

5. Dodging Obstacles

Obstacles are dangerous objects that can damage your player. To avoid obstacles, you need to dance your way around them. Use the basic dance moves and advanced dance moves to dodge obstacles effectively.

6. Collecting Power-Ups

Power-ups are items that can give your player special abilities. To collect power-ups, you need to dance your way to them. Use the basic dance moves and advanced dance moves to collect power-ups easily.

7. Scoring Points

Points are earned by dodging obstacles, collecting power-ups, and dancing near other players. The more points you earn, the higher your score will be.

8. Winning the Game

The game is won by the player who scores the most points. To win the game, you need to dance your way to victory. Use the basic dance moves, advanced dance moves, and combos to dodge obstacles, collect power-ups, and score points.

9. Tips

  • Practice your dance moves regularly. The more you practice, the better you will become at dancing.
  • Use the power-ups to your advantage. Power-ups can give you special abilities that can help you to win the game.
  • Dance near other players to score points. Dancing near other players will give you a points bonus.
  • Have fun! Evade Roblox Mobile is a game that is meant to be enjoyed. Don’t take it too seriously and just have fun dancing your way to victory.


Dancing is an essential part of Evade Roblox Mobile. By mastering the basic dance moves, advanced dance moves, and combos, you can dodge obstacles, collect power-ups, and score points. With practice, you can become a dancing master and win the game!


  1. How do I control my player in Evade Roblox Mobile?
    • You can control your player by using the virtual joystick on the left side of the screen.
  2. How do I dance in Evade Roblox Mobile?
    • You can dance by swiping left or right on the screen, tapping the screen, double-tapping the screen, or swiping up on the screen.
  3. What are the different types of dance moves in Evade Roblox Mobile?
    • There are four basic dance moves in Evade Roblox Mobile: slide, jump, spin, and roll. There are also advanced dance moves such as double jump, roll jump, and spin jump.
  4. How do I dodge obstacles in Evade Roblox Mobile?
    • You can dodge obstacles by dancing your way around them. Use the basic dance moves and advanced dance moves to dodge obstacles effectively.
  5. How do I collect power-ups in Evade Roblox Mobile?
    • You can collect power-ups by dancing your way to them. Use the basic dance moves and advanced dance moves to collect power-ups easily.

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